¿Creu que la preocupació social pel coronavirus és exagerada?

Seoul (Korea, Republic Of), 23/02/2020.- A quarantine official guides those taking the Certified Public Accountant exam into the testing site at Hanyang University in Seoul, South Korea, 23 February 2020. South Korea reported 556 cases of novel coronavirus, accounting for the second largest number of infections outside mainland China. Public gatherings were banned in the capital while the southeastern cities of Daegu and Cheongdo were declared ’special care zones’ after a cluster of COVID-19 cases was reported in the region in recent days. The outbreak has so far killed nearly 2,500 people and infected over 78,000 others worldwide, mostly in China. (Corea del Sur, Seúl) EFE/EPA/YONHAP SOUTH KOREA OUT

Seoul (Korea, Republic Of), 23/02/2020.- A quarantine official guides those taking the Certified Public Accountant exam into the testing site at Hanyang University in Seoul, South Korea, 23 February 2020. South Korea reported 556 cases of novel coronavirus, accounting for the second largest number of infections outside mainland China. Public gatherings were banned in the capital while the southeastern cities of Daegu and Cheongdo were declared ’special care zones’ after a cluster of COVID-19 cases was reported in the region in recent days. The outbreak has so far killed nearly 2,500 people and infected over 78,000 others worldwide, mostly in China. (Corea del Sur, Seúl) EFE/EPA/YONHAP SOUTH KOREA OUT / YONHAP (EFE)

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Aquí amb Josep Cuní
Aquí amb Josep Cuní


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EL PERIÓDICO i el programa de SER Catalunya 'Aquí, amb Josep Cuní' obren cada dia una pregunta per prendre el pols a l'opinió de la ciutadania sobre un tema d'actualitat. La qüestió del sondeig d'avui és:

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